Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hi! How is everyone doing? I have to say I'm feeling really good today. I had been feeling under the weather for the past week and a half. Not sure what was going on but it started with flu like symptoms but only lasted 12 hours (chills, fever, & body ache) but soon after...Montezuma Revenge! Yikes. Normally this is Bob's problem. I never have this problem. At first I really didn't mind and if I need to go anywhere for an extended period of time, I just took an Immodium. Otherwise, I was on the Eat N Release program. So, what's the problem w/Eat N Release program? Weight was coming off. Gotta like that. But I also noticed some dehydration. So I bumped up my water intake; I knew what to do. After all, my Mom is a nurse. Well after a few days into this my energy level was way down. I could have slept the entire day away if I'd let myself. I tried to get active and not think about sleeping but it got the better of me. My friend Cheryl told me try Pedialyte. She drinks it after a heavy night of drinking and when she's feeling bad. I've never heard of this. Bob & I went out to play some golf. We were only going to play 9 holes and Thank God. I couldn't have played anymore. I was hot, disoriented, and needed to get back to our apt NOW. I pretty much passed out as soon as we got home. When I woke up hours later, I had a horrible headache. I couldn't take it anymore, I was tired of feeling tired and so out of it. What the hell, I gave this Pedialyte a shot. I drank a liter of this stuff. It's not good I might add but not the worst I've had either. Taste like watered down kool-aid. I tried the Strawberry and Grape flavors. Strawberry was a tad better. Anyway, within a few hours I started feeling better. My energy was coming back and the headache was gone. I must have been a lot more dehydrated than I thought I was plus my electrolytes were all out of whack. Had I only listened to my friend, Cheryl sooner. I'm very glad to say...I'm back! Everything is great again. No more Montezuma, no more feeling like crap and I'm enjoying the outdoors. Who would have thought Pedialyte. Hopefully if you ever start to feel dehydration; you will now know to try Pedialyte. Amazing stuff! Ciao - Bonnie