Monday, April 20, 2009

Tia Luz

Hi everyone! It's been awhile I know. I've been entertaining my friends for the past 2 weeks and had a fabulous time. But before I get into their visit; I just wanted to let everyone know how proud I am of my Tia Luz. (Tia means Aunt in Spanish for my English only friends). My Aunt Luz (actually my Great Aunt) is an amazing person. She's 80ish, beautiful and learning so much about computers. She recently bought a computer and requested a headset for Christmas which she got. This lady has learned to used Skype and calls me. She has signed up on Yahoo so we can instant message one another and she using email like crazy. She sends the best jokes and emails. I can't tell you how proud I am of her and how she's willing to learn and get in tuned with all this technology. But, she surprised me AGAIN! She sent me an E-Card wishing Bob & I a Happy Anniversary. I was blown away. Thank You, Tia Luz for being so Internet suave. I love hearing from you in all forms and fashion. We love you dearly!