Thursday, April 23, 2009

We're missing our guests

I'm so behind on blogging...YIKES.

We had guests and I gotta tell you that is such a special occassion for us. So thank you to our friends that came to the island, we cherish your visit.
Mike & Jill
were the 1st
to arrive.
We took them on a snorkeling/diving excursion to Hol Chan and Stingray Isle.
Bob & Jill are the divers while Mike & I snorkeled. Hol Chan is a Marine Preserved area meaning no fishing. In fact fisherman come to this area after fishing and throw out left overs. So fish, rays, sharks and turtles come when they hear boats in the area.
School of fish
Saw plenty of
And Reef Sharks
We're told they
don't bite
In fact our guide went down and wrestled one of the sharks and brought him to the surface, since Bob & I were the 1st in the water we had the opportunity to pet one of these creatures. So smooth to the touch.
Having a cocktail at
We enjoyed a day of Reef fishing. The day was pretty windy but we still had success in hooking lots of fish. The fish we brought home Mike made us this amazing bowl of Ceviche. Awe Man...My mouth is watering just thinking about it. It was awesome. Thank you, Mike! Why didn't we take a picture of that?
Gus arrived
April 10th.
We really felt bad for Gus his 1st full day with us. He arrived on a Friday and we had him up very early on Saturday morning to get back on the water ferry and head back to the mainland. (He had just come from there). We had a Cave Tubing excursion planned and we knew he didn't want to miss it. This tour was very cool. The excursion started with 40 minute hike thru the jungles. Our tour guide was very thorough in pointing out the trees and benefits or medicinal purpose each plant. Have you guys ever eaten a termite? Neither had we until this excursion. The guide did it so why not us. They're crunchy and very minty. I kind of liked it once I got passed the initial shock of what I was eating. No one from our group cared to experiment with the tasting. You guys missed out. After our hike we walked to an area where we put our tubes in the crisp cool water. It was a hot day and we had a nice little hike so it didn't take long to adjust. We floated or should I say "paddled" our way thru caves (the river was low). I gotta say when we first booked this trip; I wasn't too excited. I'm a bit clausterphobic and the thought of entering caves didn't appeal to me. To my surprise the caves were very large and not as dark as I thought they would be. We did have lights mounted on our heads but they didn't really produce much lighting. We saw pottery dated back as far as the 1700's, of course what's a cave without bats, ancient paintings on the cave walls, and stalagtights. It was very cool and we all enjoyed it. We made our way back to the island that evening pooped.
What the hell is this?
Gus, man you're
on an island!
Tanks, flip flops
and shorts...
That's it!
Gus is a lot younger than us and he liked staying out till all hours of the night and single so, I guess he was dressing to impress. I gotta say he was the best smelling guy on the island.
What a trooper too. He may have partied till 4:00 a.m. but he slowly got up early every morning to enjoy the day with the rest of us.
He did have to take
a little cat nap
while waiting
for our Capt
to take us
out fishing
Wide awake now.
Gus' first stab
at fishing.
He looks like a pro
We love you, Gus!
Cindy, Ginger & Richard showed up next and ready to party. They wasted no time checking out the town and local hangouts. Everybody on the island knew them by the time they left.
Fido's was one
of our local hangouts We danced many of
nights to this band
Coco Loco's was
another favorite.
Who doesn't love a swim up bar that
overlooks the ocean?
Cindy and Ginger treated us to a day of fishing. Unfortunately, I should have let Bob booked this trip. My attempt was horrible. We didn't get the hours we paid for and the fishing was lousy. Ginger & I were the only 2 that caught anything. We caught some large Barracuda's. That was my largest fish to bring in. The only positive from this trip was that I learned how to cook Barracuda. This is a good fish. I know not everyone is a fan of this fish but if they gave it a try; I'm thinking they may have a change of heart. It's a white fish and didn't have the fishy taste. I cooked it 2 ways...Frying and pan saute. Both came out nice.
Cindy giving her hand at it.
A boat ride is always good!
Mike & Jill had left before Cindy & Ginger arrived. Gus' visit overlapped w/everyone so he got a good taste of different party levels. Cindy, Gus and Ginger all left on the same day, Sunday. Bob & I hung with Gus till the wee hours of the night on Saturday.
Ginger and Cindy...well see for yourself.
Lights out by 8:00 p.m.
But in their defense...They partied all day long starting around 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 ish. They were looking for the best margarita on the island.
We hope everyone enjoyed their stay with us. I know we loved their company. We look forward to more visits from them.