Monday, February 23, 2009

Dancing Waters

Hi! How's it going? It's a nice warm but a cool breezy day here in Puerto Escondido. Bob & I just eat our breakfast on the patio and watched a few surfers. Yesterday afternoon we spent several hours on the beach and watched the sunset. It was beautiful. But what was really spectacular was the ocean. The water here is beautiful but they have "red flags" all up & down the beach. This means its dangerous for swimming; use extra precautions. There are lots of undertows. But the waves here are large and attracts tons of surfers which is great fun to watch. Anyway, Bob & I did get in the water but only knee deep. You could definitely feel the undertows and the power from the ocean. We are both pretty strong swimmers (but we were still careful, Mom) The ocean is much calmer in the midday hours. It's the early morning and dusk when the waves are huge and have that thunderous sound as it crashes the beach. Love that! Anyway, while we were hanging out on the beach waiting for the sun to set we notice the change in the waves. They were coming from all directions. It was wild. Not only were the waves coming from the wide open ocean to the beach but the wave action was coming from the beach out to ocean. It was hitting a sand bar and sending the wave back out. Plus waves came across the ocean left to right and right to left if you can imagine that. If so, then imagine the waves came across they would run into one another as a head on collision...O'man, this so cool. The splash would send the water up 10+ feet in the air. It reminded me of Vegas...the hotel that has the dancing water out front and they play music to for a show. We were watching up & down the beach and you see the collisions happening everywhere. It was so cool and very entertaining. After the sun had set...which is always spectacular. We packed our stuff up and headed back to the apartment for some grub. Salad, pasta w/garlic shrimp, and bread were on the menu. Yummy! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Love - b&b