Thursday, February 5, 2009

Touching base has everyone been? We´ve been busy traveling around. Looks like my last blog took place while in Guadalajara. Well since then we´ve been to San Miguel de Allende, Morelia and Mexico City. We leave MC tomorrow and off to Taxco from here. But we only plan to spend one night there before heading down to Acapulco for a week. I have so many pictures to post. Unfortunately, here in Mexico City we don´t have internet access in our hotel so pictures will have to wait till we get to Acapulco. We debated on coming to Mexico City but we´re so glad we did. This place rocks! Can´t wait to share the pics with you. We just wanted to let everyone know we are doing well. We´ll be in touch as soon as we settle down in Acapulco. Take care...Hope everyone is doing well. Lots of love B&B